Articles for Week of 01/10/2022

Routine Maintenance

Embracing habit in an automated world Meghan O’Gieblyn The author argues the case for habit in an increasing automated world, moving through historical antecedents for habit compared to spontaneity. Historically, rote habit had been considered something less than human, the bits of us that make us human are the things that we don’t do on autopilot. Author brings up the ALM hypothesis, which states that digital technology behaves as substitutes for routine cognitive occupations and as compliments for non-routine occupations. But with an increasingly bizarre world where the worker is divorced from the products of their labor (AI black boxes), this concept of freedom is increasingly unattainable.

Living on 24 Hours a Day

The Rise and Fall of Getting Things Done

Chatbots: Still Dumb After All These Years

Chatbots: Still Dumb After All These Years (Original)

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Page last modified: Jan 10 2022 at 01:14 PM.